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Showing posts from May, 2022

Legislative 2022: after a "breath", Emmanuel Macron back on the ground in Cherbourg

The Head of State is traveling in the Channel on Tuesday: he is expected at the Cherbourg hospital, while health professionals fear a dark summer in the emergency services, for lack of personnel. He had offered himself a phase of " decantation ", of " breathing " since his re-election: Emmanuel Macron  is back on the ground this Tuesday, May 31. Less than 15 days before the first round of the legislative elections, the President of the Republic intends to put the priority projects of his new mandate back in the foreground.  While the official campaign for the ballot of June 12 and 19 began Monday May 30, raises a pillar of the majority, Emmanuel Macron goes on the ground to " set the tempo , break the feeling of false flat ". The President of the Republic and his Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon , are expected in Cherbourg at the end of the afternoon. In Cherbourg, as elsewhere, emergencies crack: the Elysée suggests an announcement, without deflow...

The Monday smash – Roland-Garros: the danger of “night sessions”

Broadcast on Amazon Prime Video, the evening matches go almost unnoticed. A miscalculation on the part of the organizers. Opinions are unanimous, this edition of Roland-Garros broke all records: attendance, audience and atmosphere. Deprived of the normal conditions of their tournament for two years, the French have regained control of the jewel of the Porte d'Auteuil. And they were spoiled with an exciting first week, probably the most beautiful for ten years. But when there is unanimity, there is a wolf. The wolf of the night session has entered Paris . Very popular in the United States or Australia , these night matches pose a real problem in France , which has neither the habit nor the DNA. Let's sum up: around 8:45 p.m., the public at Philippe-Chatrier is renewed. The lucky holders of evening tickets can attend the meeting of the new nugget of world tennis or the performance of Alizé Cornet . The viewer, accustomed to France 2-France 3, will not see anything. The rights wer...

André-Pierre Gignac Still Scorer With The Tigers

André-Pierre Gignac scored a new goal on Sunday in the victory of the Tigres de Monterrey against Tijuana (2-0). The former French international (36 caps, 7 goals) doubled the bet for his team in the 74th minute with a nice ball stung after being launched deep. Top scorer in the championship with 10 goals, the 36-year-old former Olympique de Marseille striker has scored in his last nine games. A precious success which allows the former Marseillais and his team to take the lead in the closing tournament of the Mexican championship after this 12th day. The Tigers took advantage of the defeat of Pachuca on the lawn of Santos (3-1) to seize the first place with a point ahead of their rivals. https://m...

Mexico: More Than 100,000 People Have Disappeared Since 1964

The number of missing persons in Mexico reached a record high on Monday, exceeding 100,000 cases listed since 1964, according to official data from the Mexican Ministry of the Interior. According to the National Register of Missing or Unlocated Persons, 100,012 people were reported missing between March 15, 1964 and May 16, 2022. Of these, about 75% are men. The five regions of Mexico most affected by this human tragedy are the states of Jalisco (west, 14,871 cases), Tamaulipas (northeast, 11,971), Mexico City (center, 10,996) Nuevo León (north, 6,222), and from Veracruz (east, 5.736). The first disappearances date back to the "dirty war" waged by the state against revolutionary movements in the 1960s and 1980s. But the disappearances in Mexico have multiplied in a context of violence linked to drug trafficking which has ravaged the country for 16 years.  "We demand that the Mexican State address urgently, with strength and integrity the serious crisis of disappearances ...

Shadow of Mexico on Summit of the Americas remains after meeting with the US

The shadow that the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , has created over the Summit of the Americas due to the presumed absence of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela remained this Wednesday after his meeting with Christopher Dodd, special adviser to the White House for said event. After the virtual meeting, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard stated that López Obrador addressed with Dodd "the invitation of all the countries of the continent, without excluding anyone" , but faced questions from the press about the opening of the United States to invite these countries. “There is interest because otherwise there would not have been this conversation. I see it as positive, I am optimistic and we have to continue to dialogue” , Ebrard told the media outside the National Palace , where Ken Salazar , the United States ambassador to Mexico, was also present. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs said of the "expectation" of a response from the Joe Biden government to López ...

Mexico reports first death from childhood hepatitis

Mexican authorities confirmed the first death from acute childhood hepatitis of unknown origin in the center of the country, the only death from this disease so far in Latin America. The three-year-old, originally from the state of Hidalgo, was transferred to a hospital in Mexico City, where he died this week, the Hidalgo Health Secretariat reported this Friday. the ailment, which has left another six dead in the world, mainly attacks children under five years of age and causes inflammation of the liver. However, the origin is unknown, so it cannot be attributed to the most frequent variants (A, B, C, D or E), or to intoxication or an autoimmune effect. In Hidalgo, three other suspected cases of the disease are being studied, which has infected hundreds of children around the world and whose outbreak was first reported in the United Kingdom in April. http://sdlcforum...

India building fire kills at least 27 in New Delhi

A fire which broke out at the end of the afternoon this Friday, May 13, 2022 in a commercial building in India, in New Delhi, killed at least 27 people. The toll could rise in the coming hours. The owner of the building was arrested. At least twenty-seven people died and several others suffered burns in a fire in New Delhi, India, which occurred on Friday May 13, 2022 in a commercial building in the Indian capital. “Twenty-seven charred bodies were recovered from the building and nearly two dozen injured were taken care of,” Satpal Bharadwaj, on-site operations manager for firefighters in Delhi, told AFP. includes the capital. According to Mr Bharadwaj, there were around 70 people in the building when the fire broke out. "There was no emergency exit and most people died of asphyxiation," he said, adding that autopsies would reveal more details. A balance sheet that could increase Amit Mahajan, whose cousin and nephew cannot be found, told AFP that they had gone to the buildin...

Como cualquier cosa en una tubería, el agua es un juego limpio y lucrativo en Ecatepec

La cantidad de agua sustraída diariamente equivale a 100 pipas de 10.000 litros cada una Cualquier recurso que corra a través de tuberías propiedad del gobierno ( petróleo , gas LP e incluso agua) es presa fácil para los ladrones mexicanos. Según las autoridades de Ecatepec, Estado de México, cada día se roban 1 millón de litros de agua en el municipio, que colinda con la delegación Gustavo A. Madero, al nororiente de la Ciudad de México. El crimen genera enormes ganancias para los grupos criminales que se aprovechan de las personas que están desesperadas por el agua, un recurso que se ha vuelto cada vez más escaso en Ecatepec y muchas otras partes del país . Mario Luna Escanamé, director de la empresa de acueductos y alcantarillados Sapase de Ecatepec, dijo que se estima que anualmente se roban 365 millones de litros del servicio local de agua. Dijo que la cantidad robada diariamente llenaría 100 pipas o camiones cisterna de agua, cada uno con capacidad para 10.000 litros. “Ese es el ...

Seis nuevas especies de rana miniatura han sido descubiertas en México

Son diminutas, adorables y están en peligro de extinción: seis nuevas especies de ranas en miniatura han sido descubiertas en México por investigadores de la Universidad de Cambridge, el Museo de Historia Natural de Londres y la Universidad de Texas en Arlington. Con solo 15 mm de largo cuando están completamente desarrollados, las seis especies son más pequeñas que un centavo (alrededor de 19 mm de diámetro), según un comunicado de prensa de la Universidad de Cambridge . "Hasta ahora, estas nuevas especies han pasado desapercibidas porque son pequeñas y marrones y se parecen mucho a otras ranas", dijo en el comunicado Tom Jameson, investigador del Departamento de Zoología y el Museo Universitario de Zoología de la universidad. Las ranas recién descubiertas, que viven en la hojarasca de los suelos de los bosques de México, siguen siendo una fuente de misterio, según Jameson. Los investigadores desconocen muchos detalles de su comportamiento y vida social. Un detalle único que...