Hackers have flooded the websites of airports in Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta and New York with messages and connection requests. The White House does not yet confirm the origin of the attack, but the United States suspects the Russians.

The websites of several American airports have been hacked by hackers. The White House and the Pentagon undoubtedly have more information, but do not want to give too much importance to their enemy and therefore prefer not to comment on this news. What is certain is that the attack started from Russia and experts point to a group close to the Kremlin known as "Killnet" as the perpetrator.
These hackers carried out a massive attack by flooding websites with emails and connection requests, the goal being to overload these sites and block them .
American agents immediately saw the attack and countered it. It did not affect aircraft operating systems, nor air traffic control , but it is a message. Especially since the same group had already targeted official government sites. The Pentagon puts the success of this cyberattack into perspective, but takes it all very seriously, because it is probably not the last attempt .
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